Healthy replacements for spreads and dips

Okay okay agreed, sometimes we do need the "kid friendly" spreads and dips, which is pure form of junk :D for me. So days when using these "kids approved" spreads is a "must" in snacks like sandwiches, burger, frankies, have found healthy / better replacements for my own sake. And these suggestions are from the material I keep reading. It's not something on my own.

I tell you, the kind of exposure our children get on regular basis, it's an absolute necessity to keep such options at bay & have healthy replacements and use the original ones only on special occasions. Like kid's birthday, exams over, celebration of child's progress of any kind. Not more than 4times a year. That's all. I bring it at that time, 100g. pouch, finish it off. I don't keep a stock. 

For Nutella - I have never brought Nutella so far. I use Peanut butter that too not regular; I agree they both do not have similar flavours & store bought peanut butter too is not like healthy healthy, but better than Nutella. Some content of peanuts at least. 


Else best is always Peanut chutney and white butter. Make a paste and apply on bread. Tastes absolute yumm. 

For Mayonese - Hung curd. This is a beautiful replacement. It not only adds similar texture like mayo, but has much more nutritional value and adds that slight sourness to the snack. Love it. Okay fine, don't be so harsh, mayo-hund curd, 50-50 is fine at times. Have told myself. :D

Jam - This is the worst variety of spread. Only sugar, sugar and sugar! This would not be even the last thing I would use for tiffin box. Okay, at home on a Sunday morning, that's fine. But a regular? Never. I use variety of lemon pickles, lemon crush pickle for bread, roti, paratha. 

(Unfortunately I do not have answers for - mera bachcha yeh khata nahi hai - apart from saying 'make it happen') 

Tomato ketchup - This is my biggest enemy :D. I honestly feel it vanishes the entire flavour of the original dish :D. More than kids, adults are addicted to it; :P. The only replacement I've f don't know. Again, special occasions, it's fine, I console myself :Dound is home made tomato sauce. My mom makes and sends regularly, but I haven't put any effort to learn it. I


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